This recipe is for eggplant lovers like me… 🙂 This is the most delicious eggplant recipe you will ever have. It is a perfect meze …
This recipe is for eggplant lovers like me… 🙂 This is the most delicious eggplant recipe you will ever have. It is a perfect meze …
Thank you so mush Ani Jan you Believe or not I needed this plate I wish you writes the ingredients
Looks delicious 👌👌😋😋🤝🏻🤝🏻🤝🏻🙏🙏💖
Thanks for sharing maybe I try this.
New frend here.
Godbless 💕👍
готую так само, обожнюю баклажани❤🎁я з Вами🔔💋💟
32 nice recipe 👌 thanks for sharing 🙏👍🌹😊
Супер, очень красиво!
Looks yummy egg plant recipe
Ну и вкуснятина Аня😊👍👍👍🌲🌲🌲С праздниками😊🌺🌺
Delicious 🤩 beautiful presentation!! Big like ♥️
Love Eggplant !!! Y U M !!!
Wow wonderful recipe 👍👍looks totally superb ❤💝new friend waiting for you dear 😎
Mouthwatering. I don't use eggplant but this dish has tempted me. Big like. Have a good week.
Looking so delicious…
Sooo Yummy
Nice dear stay connected new friend
Yummy and very good cooking
Big like
Awesome video, great job. 🎄 Enjoy watching.🎄✨Wish You a wonderful weekends, my Friend! !🎄I enjoyed so much till the end:) ❤️💙💛👍17
Hello Friend! An interesting dish. Thank you for sharing! 👍👍👍
Nice recipe 👌👌👌😋😋😋💐💐💕💕
Oh yummy I like eggplant but never tried it with cheese. Looks very festive and delicious 😋👍
У Вас вкусно ))) 14*234..
Your recipe reminded me of eggplant. I haven't been preparing it for a long time and seeing your dish is worth it. 👍😀🎅🎄
Добрый день!Браво!! Подписалась с первых минут просмотра!
Красивый аппетитный рецепт.Отлично приготовлено!С удовольствием бы продегустировала.Взяла себе Миллион лайков!
Looks delicious and I know these are delicious one of my favorite recipes !!
Great video my friend
Thanks for the recipe they took to their piggy bank. We love eggplant and often cook. The summer season will come and we will prepare such rolls!
Thanks again))
Hi Freind Wow awesome video 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 and u r also awesome ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Nice video
Those look delicious!
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