Выглядит изумительно. Представляю, как это вкусно. 🤗🤗🤗😘😘😘❤❤❤
Thank you for being so generous, in teaching us this fantastic recipe. God bless you!
I will make it tomorrow for dinner! Thanks for the receipt!
Heghineh the eggplants are rut ton.
I loved how you used the spice lids for measuring spoons .
Thank u making me laugh😁 awesome food 👍
My mom used to do that, the only difference is in her version she added potatoes! It went like this: meatball, slice of eggplant, slice of potato, and repeat, stacked in the plate the same way with the tomato sauce on top. It was SO good! 😍
Когда готовят на кухне, волосы убирают. Люди смотрят на ваше приготовление, а не на вас и ваши наряды….
I Watched your video on making Urfa Kebob you put an ingredient in from a package rubbed between your hand. What is that ingredient??
Aluminium foli is not Healty,
Just tried out this recipe and it was delicious. I love eggplants and all your eggplant dishes. I just have a question: does it make a difference if I pre-fry the eggplants or if I just put it into the oven to let it bake?
Where is Urfa? I can not find the city in Armenia.
Armenia is where we Iranian feel at home .Good food and Good people 😍
Amen inch lave,bayc kxndrei mazert xohanocum havaqes
Yummy dish and thanks for sharing.
Your cooking is as amazing as you 😍
Looks deelish!!
Herbs are dry ingredient, Grins are fresh.
Barev Heghineh jan kaseq te qani hogu hamar e naxatesvac dzer bagadratoms@ ?
Thank You Heghineh, shat hajely e nayel zer haxortuma. xntrum em ete hnaravor e uzum em patrastel ttu draq bamya. Ete recipe unek kkisvek mex het? Thanks. You have the cutest children.
Bizim balcan kebabi degilmi lan
Oh boy…. It looks wonderful. I can do this with some ground turkey and turkey sausage. It's a wonderful way to utilize eggplants which a lot of people would like to make but don't know what to do with it.
I tried this recipe today! Was really good and easy! I grilled the eggplants instead of frying! I also tried the lavash bread 🤦🏻♀️ i'll give it a second trial it turned out to be very dry and crispy lol
Really love all your videos…you are amazing…please can you tell me exactly all the spices you added. ?
Gerbs…lol…you are so funny! Thanks Heghineh, going out to get the ingredients to make for the Memorial Day weekend.
You're videos are great!!!! Im totally going to make this for a potluck on Friday. I'll let ya know how it goes^^ your kids are lucky to have a mommy like you. P.s. Your English is great!!!! Don't worry bout it! Now I know how my mom feels when we tease her bout her English all In good fun of course…but I think it prolly bothers ya a bit…^^ your vids are very clear and informative and very we'll made. 👍☺️
Выглядит изумительно. Представляю, как это вкусно.
Thank you for being so generous, in teaching us this fantastic recipe. God bless you!
I will make it tomorrow for dinner! Thanks for the receipt!
Heghineh the eggplants are rut ton.
I loved how you used the spice lids for measuring spoons .
Thank u making me laugh😁 awesome food 👍
My mom used to do that, the only difference is in her version she added potatoes! It went like this: meatball, slice of eggplant, slice of potato, and repeat, stacked in the plate the same way with the tomato sauce on top. It was SO good! 😍
Когда готовят на кухне, волосы убирают. Люди смотрят на ваше приготовление, а не на вас и ваши наряды….
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Starts at 00:50
Looks yummy !!
I Watched your video on making Urfa Kebob you put an ingredient in from a package rubbed between your hand. What is that ingredient??
Aluminium foli is not Healty,
Just tried out this recipe and it was delicious. I love eggplants and all your eggplant dishes. I just have a question: does it make a difference if I pre-fry the eggplants or if I just put it into the oven to let it bake?
Where is Urfa? I can not find the city in Armenia.
Armenia is where we Iranian feel at home .Good food and Good people 😍
Amen inch lave,bayc kxndrei mazert xohanocum havaqes
Yummy dish and thanks for sharing.
Your cooking is as amazing as you 😍
Looks deelish!!
Herbs are dry ingredient, Grins are fresh.
Barev Heghineh jan kaseq te qani hogu hamar e naxatesvac dzer bagadratoms@ ?
Thank You Heghineh, shat hajely e nayel zer haxortuma. xntrum em ete hnaravor e uzum em patrastel ttu draq bamya. Ete recipe unek kkisvek mex het? Thanks. You have the cutest children.
Bizim balcan kebabi degilmi lan
Oh boy…. It looks wonderful. I can do this with some ground turkey and turkey sausage. It's a wonderful way to utilize eggplants which a lot of people would like to make but don't know what to do with it.
I tried this recipe today! Was really good and easy! I grilled the eggplants instead of frying! I also tried the lavash bread 🤦🏻♀️ i'll give it a second trial it turned out to be very dry and crispy lol
Really love all your videos…you are amazing…please can you tell me exactly all the spices you added. ?
Gerbs…lol…you are so funny! Thanks Heghineh, going out to get the ingredients to make for the Memorial Day weekend.
You're videos are great!!!! Im totally going to make this for a potluck on Friday. I'll let ya know how it goes^^ your kids are lucky to have a mommy like you. P.s. Your English is great!!!! Don't worry bout it! Now I know how my mom feels when we tease her bout her English all In good fun of course…but I think it prolly bothers ya a bit…^^ your vids are very clear and informative and very we'll made. 👍☺️
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