What did European countries do before Mexico and India provided black pepper, tomatoes, chili peppers, potatoes etc.? Aromatics and herbs I guess – how boring! I guess it explains the violent history of the world. In a pinch there’s not much some wouldn’t do for those items.
Thank you Heghineh – we loved stewed Jermuk Trout served at Lavach restaurant in Yerevan. Thank you for this recipe – now we can do it here! 😉
another great example of simple, fresh, and flavorful food
What kind of fish did you use or suggest? Trout or a more fatty and intense tasting fish?
Happy Easter Heghineh jan!!!During easter my grandmother made the lavash baked fish.It was so good everyone loved it!!!! Thank you Heighineh jan.
Heghineh what s nice simple recipe. very healthy. what type of fish
I love the fish head too❤
Привет Heghineh jan 😘Класс! Рыбу мы очень любим любую в любом виде. А тем более по этому рецепту обязательно приготовлю😋Спасибо моя дорогая❤
shat hetaqrqir er mersi.
Hristos Voskrese, Christ has risen. Happy Easter to your family.
thanks for recipe, can i use any kind of fish? and how long it took time for this fish?
Recipe http://bit.ly/Tarragon-Fish
Subscribe https://www.youtube.com/heghineh1
What did European countries do before Mexico and India provided black pepper, tomatoes, chili peppers, potatoes etc.? Aromatics and herbs I guess – how boring! I guess it explains the violent history of the world. In a pinch there’s not much some wouldn’t do for those items.
Thank you Heghineh – we loved stewed Jermuk Trout served at Lavach restaurant in Yerevan. Thank you for this recipe – now we can do it here! 😉
another great example of simple, fresh, and flavorful food
What kind of fish did you use or suggest? Trout or a more fatty and intense tasting fish?
Happy Easter Heghineh jan!!!During easter my grandmother made the lavash baked fish.It was so good everyone loved it!!!! Thank you Heighineh jan.
Heghineh what s nice simple recipe. very healthy. what type of fish
I love the fish head too❤
Привет Heghineh jan 😘Класс! Рыбу мы очень любим любую в любом виде. А тем более по этому рецепту обязательно приготовлю😋Спасибо моя дорогая❤
shat hetaqrqir er mersi.
Hristos Voskrese, Christ has risen. Happy Easter to your family.
thanks for recipe, can i use any kind of fish? and how long it took time for this fish?
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