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Stress Eating? Here’s How to Stop | healthy lifestyle, stress and more

Stress Eating? Here’s How to Stop | healthy lifestyle, stress and more
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Does the current health crisis got you stress eating? Do you find yourself sneaking off to the kitchen all day long? You’re not alone! Being stuck at home means you might find yourself reaching for snacks (and unhealthy ones) a lot more often. Here’s how to stop:

Manage your stress.

Are you worried about your health? Wondering how to balance your job with your kids’ education? Families all across the country (and the world) are dealing with similar and equally daunting questions.

The first step is to identify what’s making you feel anxious then find ways to calm your nerves. You may not be able to make the problem go away entirely, but you can do things to help you cope with it. When you feel stressed or overwhelmed, try going for a quick walk (if you can safely socially distance). The fresh air can help clear your mind. Or, try mediation or simple breathing and relaxation techniques. Calm is a great app and offers (some free) online resources. Or, browse through YouTube, Spotify, or your phone’s app store for more guided options.

Find support.

“We’re in this together.”

“You’re not alone.”

You’re likely seeing these messages plastered all over your TV and computer screen. But finding the support you actually need isn’t always that simple. While you can’t take walks with your neighbor or go to spin class right now, you can meet up with people virtually.

If you want to keep your weight loss goals on track, Facebook groups are a great place to start. Whether you’re a new mom trying to lose the baby weight or you want to follow the Ideal Protein diet, there’s probably a group out there for you! For example, check out this one for the Ideal Protein diet using alternative products (at a much lower cost). Online discussion is a great place for support and finding new techniques from people not just in your community but all over.

Tip: If you already follow the IPA diet, check out our handy calculator to determine if a product fits the protocol.
IPA Calculator

Write it down.

You’re probably heard this one before. But, that’s because it really can help!

Whether it’s a food journal, a note in your phone, or an app like MyFitnessPal, write down everything you eat, when you eat, how much, and for extra credit – how you felt afterward. After about a week or so of doing this, you might notice some trends that can help you pinpoint your problems. For example, are you doing some extra munching late at night? Try to add a little extra protein to your dinner, take a quick walk around the neighborhood, and get to bed early. These things could not only help you feel more full, but also get you moving (and distracted).

Drink up (water, that is).

Drinking water has so many benefits to your overall physical health which can ultimately improve your mental health. Now that’s a win-win! Water not only refuels your body, but when you choose it over other drinks that have extra calories and sugar, you can keep your weight in check. Water also acts as a natural appetite suppressor so you’ll feel more full or won’t be as tempted to unnecessarily snack. Water is especially important as we head into the warm summer months.

Indulge, once in a while.

If you always deprive yourself of the things that you love, you’re sure to relapse worse than ever. Allow yourself to cheat every once in a while. And if you can, cheat the smart way. For example, if you love chocolate, instead of reaching for a sugary milk chocolate bar, try instead some dark chocolate (60% chocolate or more). You can have your cake and eat it too! Try this chocolate fudge cake that’s delicious without all the guilt.

Stay tuned for more tips on how to get through this crisis AND maintain your healthy lifestyle. Join our email list (scroll down to the footer to sign up) for special offers and the latest blog posts.

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