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Palestinian Influence on Kuwait #Shorts #Kuwait #Palestine

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Mai Al-Nakib talks about the fruitful relationship between Palestinians and Kuwaitis. Especially how Palestinians played a key role …



  1. lol oh really? What happened when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait?? Hmmm??? Palestinians were traitors and flipped on Kuwait an hour after Saddam invaded. The Palestinians have caused big problems for many Arab countries. They caused a war in Lebanon and problems in Egypt and Jordan! No one wants a radicalized population with a bad reputation

  2. Very interesting new info. I barely knew what the extent of Pal immigration to gulf> Are these descendants of PLas? Have they been given Kuwaiti nationality?? Not! Gulf arabs are most selfish , backstabbers who share oil revenue with no one but their precious stuckup selves. Just look at the slave trade. Youre Most famous for that.

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