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Nutrition News Review: Ultra-processed Foods, Pre-Workout Supplements, Menopause…

Nutrition News Review: Ultra-processed Foods, Pre-Workout Supplements, Menopause…
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Nutrition News Review: Ultra-processed Foods, Pre-Workout Supplements, Menopause Foods and More

In this new series, you’ll find a collection of the hottest topics in the world of nutrition. These are articles that I have written or been quoted in— but it’s the hottest buzz in the world of diet, health, and nutrition. Recently, there has been a lot of chatter on topics from ultra-processed foods, to lunch ideas that children can make themselves, and what to eat during menopause, here are some of the hot topics I weighed in on recently.  

Can Ultra-Processed Foods Be Healthy? via Food Network –  What makes a food “processed” rather than “ultra-processed?” Both have a bad reputation as being “unhealthy,” but should you actually avoid all “processed” foods? See my thoughts on whether ultra-processed foods can ever be healthy– and check what happened when researchers had folks eat an ultra-processed diet for most of their meals.

These Lunch Ideas Are Simple Enough for Your Child To Make Themselves via Parents – Letting kids get involved in the kitchen from a young age helps prime them for a healthy lifestyle throughout their lives. Check out what foods are important for growing bodies, and numerous lunch ideas and super simple recipes younger and older kids can make themselves. 

Are Pre-Workout Supplements Bad For You? via Shape – A new pre-workout supplement seems to be appearing almost daily. Is there any research to back up the claims that these supplements actually work? I spoke with several sports registered dietitians to get the scoop on these supplements. 

What To Start – And Stop – Eating During Menopause via HuffPost – The physical and mental changes that occur during menopause can take a toll. What you eat can play a role in symptom management. See which nutrients I told this reporter are essential during this time.

How Bad Is It To Eat Unwashed Fruit And Vegetables? via Delish – Do you really have to wash that brand new bag of produce you just bought? See what I told this reporter as to why it’s recommended to wash your produce in running water (no produce wash needed!), and what risks come from eating unwashed fruits and vegetables. 

I Drank Apple Cider Vinegar Every Day for a Month, and I Noticed the Effects Right Away via Glamour – Apple cider vinegar has long been promoted as having a laundry list of health benefits. Is there any merit to the health halo surrounding this kitchen staple? See what I share with this reporter and what side effects (good and bad) may come with daily consumption of apple cider vinegar. 


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