Home Sports LTFRB to motorcycle taxi operators: Explain cap breach 

LTFRB to motorcycle taxi operators: Explain cap breach 

LTFRB to motorcycle taxi operators: Explain cap breach 
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Is there an oversupply of motorcycle taxis in Metro Manila? The Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) has issued a show cause order (SCO) on two of the three ride-hailing firms operating in the national capital for allegedly breaching the government-mandated cap for the number of motorcycle taxi riders. In an SCO dated Dec. 11, LTFRB Chair Teofilo Guadiz III, head of the Motorcycle Taxi Technical Working Group (MC Taxi TWG), directed Angkas and MoveIt to explain why they should not be suspended or removed from the government’s ongoing motorcycle taxi pilot study due to the violations. According to […]…

Keep on reading: LTFRB to motorcycle taxi operators: Explain cap breach 

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