Home Cooking Channels Lavash Rolls with Cheese and Herbs – Heghineh Cooking Show L…

Lavash Rolls with Cheese and Herbs – Heghineh Cooking Show L…

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Heghineh Cooking Show Live Stream – Lavash Rolls with Cheese and Herbs Subscribe …



  1. I'm not Armenian but I would love if you open a channel in english and let us know more about your culture and costume.. you are a beautiful lady, I enjoying watching mother and daughter work together LOVE IT

  2. so sorry i missed your live show! i found this by accident. would love for you to be on weekly in english also. if only youtube had subtitles in english for all your armenian videos! ladies you both have lovely hair-up or down-its your kitchen and your rules, too!

  3. Oh oh I’ve got an idea!
    I watch a Mexican cooking show on you tube called abuelitas kitchen and they use subtitles . It’s so brilliant and it’s not annoying . It actually helps me learn words too !❤️❤️❤️ I am so sad I missed you guys. I even planned it in my day Hahahaha! You guys look fabu!

  4. Ехине джан, Лилит джан шат лавер, апрек, амехе, гехецике. Карохек наев ави кртькамис авелацнек, нуйнпес шат амехе линум. ❤️💜💙

  5. Hi 👋 how are you and how’s your family’s I wish all the best…just I won’t ask you about your armeinan channel can you do it translation English please because I love your channel so much thanks

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