Что вас там ждёт. Одно разочарование. Сейчас в Америке пошол бум руссофобия. Вы хоть и Армянская семья, но должны понемать, что лучше домой надо возвращаться. ❤.. Конечно, это не совет. Дети, русский не знают, конечно родина у них Амерка. Старшенького, в будущем женить надо. В Ереване, думаю, он скорее встретит свою любовь. Она его уже ждёт. ❤❤❤
Не знаю, как у вас с образованием дальнейшем, после школы. Но, дети должны получить образование профессиональное пока родители в состоянии этому по способствовать.
Знаете смотрю ваш в течении полугода, стала замечать за собой, что я стала подорожать вашей интонации. Женщина, с которой надо брать пример. Я очень довольна, что попала на ваш канал. Приморский край. Г. Владивосток. Море , это наша любовь. Море продукты у нас есть всякие, но кусаются. Рыба есть любая, белая и красная, икра только красная.
Omg ur kids are soooo cute
Looks delicious !!
Heghine Jan I just made these and they were simply amazing. You are a cooking Goddess❤️. Thank you so very much..
nice how gentle she educates her children!
I love how your children are so comfortable in the kitchen and love to help you. Your son in this video is so anoushig and "hamov". Asdvadz bahe.
Hexine jan Dzer matucmamb amen inchn e gexecik ev axorjeli.Chka mi kerakur, vori mej ser ev hogi chdneq.Henc dranic e, vor ardyunqn aysqan lav e stacvum. Sirum em ev hargum em Dzez anchap….
Heghineh you are great!!
Классная СЕМЬЯ ❤️❤️❤️
That looks so delicious! I'm going to try it with zucchini noodles, spaghetti & meatballs but with zucchini noodles.
Looks so good. Can't wait to try it. I made the roasted pumpkin salad with the chickpeas and greens and it was amazing. Perfect dish for Halloween. Thank you!
I prefer your other dresses than this one…….. and you know why? – Because you wear a textil with such a motif if you are in the wild wood and want to become one with it, to make yourself invisible for your enemies. I don't want you to become invisible for us in your wild kitchen, I still prefer to see you clearly and catch you in order to give you a hug. lol 😂😊
Heghineh, just thought you should know that when I attempted to go to your site to get the recipe, a warning came up that your site has malware and disturbing content. It wouldn't let me on. Have someone check into that for you. God bless.
Your babies are soo cute and helpful!!! ❤️
it looks soo yummy heghineh jan i will try it. i baked today gata its soo good test delicious thanx for recipe. kisses to your kids i love them soo much
All of your food just looks so delicious, so comforting. I think I need to visit Armenia soon
Please take your rings off when handaling raw meat and foods in general. Jewlery has tiny grooves and cracks that are a breeding ground for deadly bacteria.
Dear Heghine, hi! I and all my family loves you and your warm and sweet family, with adorable, kind, well mannered and helpful children around, very much! You are so womanly with your nice & lovely smile! You are also so possitive and a great hearted person, thank you! I appreciate you much! I learned various tasty Armenian dishes from you! It is especially precious, as you teach us the right Armenian names of these dishes! I prerared the one you taught in this video – "Kharpert Kololak Meatballs", and my family liked it much! My ansistors from my mom's side were from Kharpert, which now is, unfortunately, in the territory of Turkey … ! Our best wishes to you, to your devoted husband, loving mother, father and to all your GREAT family ! Till next tasty videos, bye!
Hexine jan arajin groxnem verjapes 2or er internet chunei haziv miaca sirts kangnum er arden, hima mez mot gishera jham 3ne. bayc 2orvan piti naem nor qnem.
Что вас там ждёт. Одно разочарование. Сейчас в Америке пошол бум руссофобия. Вы хоть и Армянская семья, но должны понемать, что лучше домой надо возвращаться. ❤.. Конечно, это не совет. Дети, русский не знают, конечно родина у них Амерка. Старшенького, в будущем женить надо. В Ереване, думаю, он скорее встретит свою любовь. Она его уже ждёт. ❤❤❤
Не знаю, как у вас с образованием дальнейшем, после школы. Но, дети должны получить образование профессиональное пока родители в состоянии этому по способствовать.
Знаете смотрю ваш в течении полугода, стала замечать за собой, что я стала подорожать вашей интонации. Женщина, с которой надо брать пример. Я очень довольна, что попала на ваш канал. Приморский край. Г. Владивосток. Море , это наша любовь. Море продукты у нас есть всякие, но кусаются. Рыба есть любая, белая и красная, икра только красная.
Omg ur kids are soooo cute
Looks delicious !!
Heghine Jan I just made these and they were simply amazing. You are a cooking Goddess❤️. Thank you so very much..
nice how gentle she educates her children!
I love how your children are so comfortable in the kitchen and love to help you. Your son in this video is so anoushig and "hamov". Asdvadz bahe.
Hexine jan Dzer matucmamb amen inchn e gexecik ev axorjeli.Chka mi kerakur, vori mej ser ev hogi chdneq.Henc dranic e, vor ardyunqn aysqan lav e stacvum. Sirum em ev hargum em Dzez anchap….
Heghineh you are great!!
Классная СЕМЬЯ ❤️❤️❤️
That looks so delicious! I'm going to try it with zucchini noodles, spaghetti & meatballs but with zucchini noodles.
Looks so good. Can't wait to try it. I made the roasted pumpkin salad with the chickpeas and greens and it was amazing. Perfect dish for Halloween. Thank you!
I prefer your other dresses than this one…….. and you know why?
– Because you wear a textil with such a motif if you are in the wild wood and want to become one with it, to make yourself invisible for your enemies.
I don't want you to become invisible for us in your wild kitchen, I still prefer to see you clearly and catch you in order to give you a hug. lol 😂😊
Heghineh, just thought you should know that when I attempted to go to your site to get the recipe, a warning came up that your site has malware and disturbing content. It wouldn't let me on. Have someone check into that for you. God bless.
Your babies are soo cute and helpful!!! ❤️
it looks soo yummy heghineh jan i will try it. i baked today gata its soo good test delicious thanx for recipe. kisses to your kids i love them soo much
All of your food just looks so delicious, so comforting. I think I need to visit Armenia soon
Please take your rings off when handaling raw meat and foods in general. Jewlery has tiny grooves and cracks that are a breeding ground for deadly bacteria.
Dear Heghine, hi! I and all my family loves you and your warm and sweet family, with adorable, kind, well mannered and helpful children around, very much! You are so womanly with your nice & lovely smile! You are also so possitive and a great hearted person, thank you! I appreciate you much! I learned various tasty Armenian dishes from you! It is especially precious, as you teach us the right Armenian names of these dishes! I prerared the one you taught in this video – "Kharpert Kololak Meatballs", and my family liked it much! My ansistors from my mom's side were from Kharpert, which now is, unfortunately, in the territory of Turkey … ! Our best wishes to you, to your devoted husband, loving mother, father and to all your GREAT family ! Till next tasty videos, bye!
Hexine jan arajin groxnem verjapes 2or er internet chunei haziv miaca sirts kangnum er arden, hima mez mot gishera jham 3ne. bayc 2orvan piti naem nor qnem.
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