Home Food & Nutrition I need to stop. And get an assistant!

I need to stop. And get an assistant!

I need to stop. And get an assistant!
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Here we are, not even 5 weeks into 2025, and work has started spiralling out of control again. I need to stop for a bit to regain control, get on top of some things, and take a moment to recalibrate.

Also, I desperately need an assistant. Now accepting applications here!

General assistant wanted fro RecipeTin Nagi

Spiralling, again

From the outset, I want to say that this is not a post about self pity. I count myself lucky every single day that I have a business I can call my own, the most wonderful team you can ever imagine, working in a field that I love and makes me happy.

It is because I love what I do so deeply that I work so hard at it.

And it is probably because of this that I find myself, yet again, overloaded, overwhelmed and stretched beyond my capacity.

Those who have followed along for a while would know that things have changed quite a lot around here in the last 4 years. Back in 2020, the RecipeTin world was a quiet one-girl-and-her-dog operation who hid behind the computer screen with a small support team that worked from home.

These days, I have a team of 9. I have a food bank (RecipeTin Meals) where 4 properly trained chefs work in a commercial kitchen and make over 130,000 homemade meals each year (plus desserts!) that we donate every day to the vulnerable.

I’ve written two cookbooks, both of which I partly blame for this new world in which we now operate. Because it turns out you get a bit of attention when the first book breaks records, then the second book breaks those records. 😉 Honestly, who knew books could do that??!

RecipeTin Meals

We do public events – cooking, hosting reader dinners, meet-and-greets, fundraisers for charities we want to support – both here in my hometown of Sydney and interstate, and do segments on TV shows. The fun stuff!

Behind the scenes, I have the responsibilities that come with having your own business. Administration, taxes, paperwork, corporate filings, HR, legal matters, business inquiries, making decisions about “what next” for the business. Looking after the team, organising team events, trying to keep up regular communication with a team that works from many different locations.

And with RTM being a registered charity, with that comes additional obligations, like regular board meetings which include independent directors and annual audits.

And lastly, let’s add to that, creating the recipes that I share on this website. Plus photographing them, editing the photos, filming them, writing up the posts, and testing the recipes.

I share this not to complain or boast about workload. I don’t think the latter is something to boast about anyway, because I’m here today, putting my hand up and saying – I don’t want to spiral back into that trap again of being completely overloaded, overwhelmed and stretched beyond my capacity.

I can’t. It’s unhealthy. While 2024 was a year of incredible highs, I ended it in a bad state of sheer exhaustion. I spent the entire 10 days of the Christmas break recovering, sleeping 12 to 15 hours every day. Unheard of for me – 6 hours is my norm, 8 hours would be a dream!

But spiralling again, I am.

My instinct in these situations in recent years has been grit my teeth, put my head down, tell my team “I need to go underground for a while” then ruthlessly plough through the work alone – developing, testing, shooting and getting through all the “businessy” stuff.

This time, though, I’m going to do something about it – and make positive changes!

I need help!

I always tell people I have “the best team anyone could be lucky enough to have” (and, I swear, the funniest too!). But the roles they fill are largely not front end at what we call “HQ” where the recipe development, testing and shooting gets done for this website.

And I am drowning. Absolutely drowning.

I need to rebuild my team. But first, I need the time to clear my head so I can set a clear vision for what my goals are and the strategy to achieve them, the people I need to make it happen.

And so today, I’m writing this post as a means of holding myself accountable (to myself!) to action two things:

  1. Hire a kick-ass assistant with a great attitude whose job description is to make my life easier. Apply here!

  2. Take a break from publishing new recipes for [two to three] weeks. Use the time to recalibrate, have quiet time to think about the next steps for the business, what I want to do, my strengths and weaknesses (SWOT analysis!), catch up on sleep, lavish Dozer with attention (like every day😂), and recruit my new assistant (yes, recruiting well takes time, so much time!).

Triggered by a cookie 🍪

I will be back!

So, I’m taking a break from publishing new recipes, for 2 to 3 weeks to catch up on work that has piled up, think about what my next steps are and the team I need to make it happen.

Next week is already full with an exciting TV filming day (more soon!) and we have applications piled up already for the job vacancy which, to be honest, was advertised a week ago. Sharing it on my website is one of many little things that have slipped my mind. 🙂

SEEK RecipeTin Assistant for Nagi job advert

My new assistant is the first important step to initiate change around here. I do not take recruitment lightly. I am very protective of my team, and the culture I’ve worked so hard to create and maintain.

So we need to get started on the recruitment because it will take quite a bit of time to get through the applications. And in case you are wondering, yes I am getting help from a recruitment company, I am just approaching it a little differently this time. Because this business is unique, my team is unique, I am unique! We find we don’t fit in moulds – and that’s ok, we like being different.

Team RecipeTin, my motley crew!

If you made it this far, thank you for listening to my ramblings. To be honest, it’s been pretty therapeutic, forcing myself to put thoughts down that have been whirling like crazy in my head in a semi-orderly fashion!

Bear with me. I will be back! Including that darn choc chip cookie recipe. It will not defeat me! – Nagi x

PS I expect I won’t be able to stay off social media completely because it’s my digital playground. I’m not cool enough for TikTok but I’m frequently putting real-life snippets on Instagram and Facebook.

Life of Dozer

Video from the fundraiser at SASH Ryde that Dozer and I attended last week to help raise funds for Sophie’s Legacy! I know there’s smiles and laughter – and it really was SO great meeting everyone – but there is a serious message behind it so I hope you get a chance to watch it:

If you’d like to support this cause, you can donate here or sign the petition here to help lobby for change. But even just talking about it, as I say in the video, means we are raising awareness and with that comes the start of change.

Dozer and I thank you for your support. – N x

PS Yes, I dropped to the floor, grabbed Dozer and took this selfie not 2 seconds ago!

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