Home Cooking Channels How to make Lentil Kofte – Armenian Cuisine – Heghineh Cooki…

How to make Lentil Kofte – Armenian Cuisine – Heghineh Cooki…

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How to make Lentil Kofte – Armenian Cuisine – Heghineh Cooking Show Recipe Subscribe …



  1. Absolutely agree with Elisabeth and I'll add that you embody the nourishing feminine woman dealing with many things at the same time with openness and gentleness and being okay with the moment just you abd circumstances as they are on camera. You are truly a source if inspiration. Love it all.
    God bless you 🙏
    what do you eat this dish with??

  2. I am definitely going to try this recipe! I've tried this from a Turkish friend and the recipes are very similar! I like that you incorporate your family into your videos! It is very sweet. You also have a lovely voice and personality!

  3. Քանի որ ես Պարսկաստանցի հայ եմ, գիտեմ որ "Նանա"ն ( نعنا) Պասկերեն բառ է և աւելի ճիշտն հենց անանուխն է: ……Իսկ ես շատ կուզեմ իմանալ քիմյոն ինչ է, անգլերենով…արդեոք ( cumin ) է???..

  4. Hi Heghineh – I discovered your channel a few hours ago, and tried your Armenian Lentil Kofte recipe today. It is super delicious! Thank you for sharing! I can't wait to try more of your recipes!

  5. I love lentils, but in this area only green lentils available. What is bulgur? Not sure I can find it here, any suggestion for a substitute. Thank you.

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