Home Cooking and Nutrition Homemade Quick Pizza – Easy Pizza Recipe – Heghineh Cooking …

Homemade Quick Pizza – Easy Pizza Recipe – Heghineh Cooking …

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Homemade Quick Pizza – Easy Pizza Recipe – Heghineh Cooking Show Recipe



  1. it's look very tasty… chka qizi nman dear Heghine, Lusin jan good for u, l love your children Heghine jan… tank you for pizza, i have seen pizza dough recipe too, & tomorrow i'v make like u- with manni kruppa)))) thx a looooot…

  2. Hisnali ek nerkayacnum ev matucum cankacac utest. Goveli e naev dzer nerdashnak yntaniki masnakcutyuny Heghine jan. Hrashk balikner unek. Sirov ditum em.
    P.S. Ergy vor verjum nvagum e shat lavn er bayc chgitem ov e ergum 🙂

  3. I caught my newborn watching this. She was yelling into the screen "but how does it taste?!? Ok, that's a lie…she already knew how it tasted. Ok, that was a lie, too…I don't have a newborn. That pizza idea was a smart, fast way to fix a dinner that everyone will like…and that's not a lie. 😉

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