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History of Jerusalem

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During its long history, Jerusalem has been attacked 52 times, captured and recaptured 44 times, besieged 23 times, and …



  1. A Brief History of the name Palestine and its derivative Adjective Palestinian:

    1. Palestine is Judea, the Roman name for ‘Land of the Jews’ when the Roman Emperor Hadrian re-named this land as Palestina in 135 CE. Since then, it was never an Islamic State. [‘In the 2nd century CE, the Romans crushed the Jewish revolt and Judea was renamed Syria Palestina’ – Jewish Virtual Libr.]

    2. The Pre-Islamic Arabs were in the Roman armies and witnessed both Jerusalem’s destruction and the name change of Judea. [Flavius Josephus Wars, Book V, Ch 13, 4]. As well, the Quran mentions Israel as the land of the Jews. Thereby, the Muslim people would be fully aware Palestine referred to the Jews for 2,000 years.

    3. The historical archives of the Persians, Greeks, Romans, British, French and Americans refer to Palestine as the ‘historical homeland of the Jews’, not of the Muslim peoples. America’s early Presidents initiated Israel’s return prior to Britain and Herzl: “Restoring the Jews to their national home in Palestine is a noble dream. My emancipated hope is the restoring of the Jews to their nation home in Palestine” – President Abraham Lincoln to Canadian Zionist Wentworth Monk; 1863.

    4. The term Palestine was introduced in the Hebrew Bible from the term Plishtim [‘Invaders’]. The Muslims disdained the name Palestine, as they do the term ‘Zionists’ today. In 1947, the Arabs virtually begged of Britain not to use this name for the land. Thereby, the usurping of this name in the 1960’s is not credible as a mark of land ownership, because it was not one of historical usage by the Arabs.

    5. A host of Islamic scholars and historians decried and rejected Muslims as Palestinians.: “Allah Gave the Land of Israel to the Jews. The al-Aqsa Mosque was built on top of Solomon’s Temple.” – Eleventh century historian Muhammad Ibn Ahmad al-Maqdisi and fourteenth century Iranian religious scholar Hamdallah al-Mustawfi // “There is no such thing as ‘Palestine’ in history, absolutely not.” – Arab-American historian and Princeton University Professor, Philip Hitti, testifying before the Anglo-American Committee in 1946]

    6. A host of Jewish organizations and Institutions were called by the prefix of Palestine or Palestinian in the 20th century, including ‘The Jewish Palestine Brigade’ in Britain’s WW2 Military Forces; The [Jewish] Palestine Symphony Orchestra; Today’s Jerusalem Post media was called “The Palestine Post”.

    7. There are no Arab Muslim Palestinians on record prior to the 20th century; the land was referred only as the homeland of the Jews. It is validated by a host of archives by many nations, and some one million Archaeological relics. Thereby, the nativity claim can only apply to Jews. In fact, there was never a time of no Jews in Palestine the past 2,000 years, as evidenced by the Crusaders, Islamic invasions and the previous Ottomans.

    8. Generally, real natives do not usurp the name of other natives, especially one they disdained. [“There is a propaganda war going on now with regard to the term ‘Palestine.’ It is specifically employed to avoid the use of the name Israel, and must be considered an anti-Israel term.” – Dr. Thomas McCall, the Senior Theologian of Levitt Ministry, quoting Zola Levitt.]

    9. The previous Islamic Ottoman rulers of Arabia declared Palestine as the homeland of the Jews. – “Who can challenge the rights of the Jews in Palestine? Good Lord, historically it is really your country” – Ottoman Mayor and scholar Yusuf Diya al-Khalidi; Jerusalem, 1899.

    10. Judea’s original, previous name was Israel in 1002 BCE, established under King David; and again in 1947 when this country was re-established by the UN. ‘Israel’ is mentioned in the Quran as one belonging to the Jews. [Joshua J. Mark , Ancient History Encyl.)

    11. All Religious Scriptures acknowledge Palestine as the ‘Land of Israel’; ‘Land of Judea’; and ‘Land of the Jews’ – including the Hebrew Bible [1 Samuel 13:19]; The New Testaments [ ‘And he arose, and took the young child and his mother, and came into the land of Israel.’ – Matt. 2:21]; The Quran – [Surah Al-Ma'idah 5:20-21.]; and the Dead Sea Scrolls.

    12. The Original Philistines converted to the Hebrew Belief and became Israelites. The term Palestine is derived from the Philistines, a Greek Island people who invaded Canaan some 4,000 years ago. The Philistines converted to the Hebrew belief under a peace offer by King David, and held prominent positions in David’s army. [“They (the Philistines) met with a severe defeat, however, early in the reign of David (2 Samuel 5:20), he succeeded in reducing them to a state of vassalage (2 Samuel 8:1). In the year of the fall of Samaria (721 B.C.) they became vassals of Sargon. After the time of the Assyrians the Philistines cease to be mentioned by this name. In the ebb and flow of warring nations

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  3. MARANATA !!! 🎺🎺🎺 WHAT DOES MARANATA MEAN? MATTHEW 4:17 / ROMANS 10: 9 / JOHN 8:58 / JOHN 1:11

    Matthew 24:39 ^

    And they had no care till the waters came and took them all away; so will be the coming of the Son of man.


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