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Herbs and Walnut Stuffed Fish Fillet – Armenian Cuisine – He…

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Herbs and Walnut Stuffed Fish Fillet – Armenian Cuisine – Heghineh Cooking Show Recipe



  1. I have a lot of family in Armenia but my grandma and my grandpa and my dad they were the only Armenians here out of my family and they all passed away so really you know for a long time I've been looking for the recipe honey cake and I finally got it my Grandpa died of cancer my dad died of leukemia and my grandma passed away. So thanks to you you made me a lot happier I just want to say thank you

  2. Honey cake
    That's a lot of work
    I forgot how to say honey cake in Armenian. My grandma used to make it for me all the time while I was a kid but my Grandma passed away and for years I've been trying to figure out what the name was of the honey cake and thanks to you thanks to your videos I found it all I could say as I love your videos and thank you

  3. Heghineh my dear, have you ever tried a Rollmops?? Can you buy them in the USA, too? I'm pretty sure you'll like it cause it's a PICKLED herring that is also rolled. It's a special snack in the northern part of Germany, particular in Hamburg. They are eaten mostly during the next morning after having had a rough alcoholic night 😆
    I've never had a Rollmops in my life. Because: I'm a beautifully behaved girl that doesn't drink any alcohol 😇 and I guess also because I don't like pickled fish, nor pickled water melon! 😜😶

  4. Good morning, Heghineh! Almost 5 am here. Nice that it's YOU that I'm seeing first in the morning 😊😍😘Wishing you a relaxing evening and later a good night 😇

    Now, THIS is a super recipe for me! I love fish and even more herbs.

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