Home Cooking Channels Garlic Baked Potatoes Zucchini Salad Recipe – Heghineh Cooki…

Garlic Baked Potatoes Zucchini Salad Recipe – Heghineh Cooki…

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Garlic Baked Potatoes Zucchini Salad Recipe – Heghineh Cooking Show Recipe



  1. I love the potatoes recipe and have used the zucchini "strips" in a recipe but I sauteed it – will try it in a salad instead. Thank you! Your daughter is lovely – enjoy the two of you together!

  2. For slicing veggies easily.
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  3. Лилит очень красивая !))) смотрю ваш канал , хоть и плохо понимаю английский !!!точнее понимаю , но некоторые слова не знаю , смотрю вас на армянском языке !!!) вы всегда дарите хорошее настроение !!!спасибо вам !

  4. Hi Heghine, have been watching your videos for a long time ) thanks for sharing your delicious recipes with us. Do you plan on making a cookbook out of your recipes? I would love to have one, with all the yum dishes included in one place…

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