Home Community news DA: Men Wanted For Hate Crimes After Sucker-Punch At IB Prot…

DA: Men Wanted For Hate Crimes After Sucker-Punch At IB Prot…

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Two men are wanted for hate crime charges stemming from an attack on a Black journalist in Imperial Beach during a June protest …




    My family and I are targeted and we are being hurt constantly by poisoning, harassment, and stalking. This heat has been going on for 4 years now.

    The crime that is currently hurting us starting in Greenville, Illinois. I called out for help before my respiratory system is damaged beyond repair causing me to loose my career as an underwater welder. My youngest grandson is poisoned at eight months old and he had a seizure in my arms, but no one responded to my call for help.

    I am living in Granite City, Illinois and poison is currently being forced into my apartment and again I have called for help, but nothing is being done to stop the hatter's from attacking me. My neighbors are also being exposed to the poison. One of my neighbors told me she is experiencing chest pains for the more she has a bad heart.

    I am now an ordained minister and a celibate woman of God. Even though this hate crime against me is still going on, I refuse to be defeated by evil, so I turned to God.

  2. This qualifies for a hate crime? What a complete joke! The double standard in this country is disgusting! I just watched a black man light a white female gas station clerk on fire on YouTube! Is this a hate crime??? Makes me sick!

  3. Pro Tem Paloma Aguirre and IB leadership brought this violent radical Marxist hate group the BLM into IB

    IMO Pro Tem Paloma Aguirre is a BLM recipient, her involvement by fomenting racism in IB, and assisting professional protest organizations such as The Sunrise Movement. This scheme is basically the lefts slush fund. Very little of that money that gets extorted from businesses goes to the local BLM, that is after they bring in the violent protesters where they (Antifa) deface, burn and loot our town in the name of the BLM. Once that is done the extorted money will go to the Thousand currents and the Tides foundation. This money goes to overseas issues, yea overseas, wow right? They support groups that support illegal immigration and Climate activism. Now look at Mayor Pro Tempore Paloma Aguirre’s IB official info page, https://www.imperialbeachca.gov/index.asp?SEC=FE1477DD-F2DC-4A81-A81A-9F8825D2C329&DE=F7A77E58-C9D2-4CCF-93E3-B1705013958D it lists something interesting. She is currently the Senior Program Officer for the Environment for the International Community Foundation where she is responsible for overseeing environmental projects in Mexico and Latin America.  What’s really going on here folks? Makes you think doesn’t it. Is this just a slush fund for the Communist Democrat party?

    Wake Up IB and look at the extortion that BLM is doing in Louisville https://www.scribd.com/document/471102642/Occupy-Nulu-Demands#from_embed

  4. Marcus Boyd is not a journalist he is a known marijuana grower who sells insurance for a living, furthermore why would a BLM activist that grows marijuana be anywhere near kids at a BLM protest. Is imperial beach following the Portland model? are they trying to cause riots in this nice city, driving down property values and effecting an IB Exodus?

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