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Blog: Keto Diet Do’s and Don’ts

Blog: Keto Diet Do’s and Don’ts
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You’re probably familiar with the Ketogenic Dietor Keto diet for short. While it’s certainly not a new concept, it’s gained popularity as recent studies have shown it provides health benefits for metabolic, neurologic, and insulin-related diseases. Even for healthy individuals, the Keto diet is a great way to improve overall weight loss and mental wellness. But the trick is, it has to be done correctly and you must stick to itWe’re here to help you do just thatWe’ve outlined the dos and don’ts for sticking to the Keto diet.  


What is the Keto Diet and is it right for me? 

Keto is a high-fat diet that focuses on burning healthy fats for energyWhen you eat Keto-friendly foods, your body won’t go into “fat-storing” mode the way it does when you eat carbs, resulting in successful weight lossThdiet requires eating full meals with low carbsquality protein, and high fats, so you won’t have to worry about feeling hungry or deprived of good tasting food.  


What should I DO to follow the Keto Diet? 

Stay Hydrated 
Regardless of your eating habits, you should ALWAYS have water (and plenty of it) in your diet – something most people undervalue. Water is especially important for making the Keto Diet a success because staying hydrated will help flush out toxins while circulating the nutrients left behind throughout your body. 

Increase Your Intake of Nuts & Seeds 
Time to channel your inner bird. Nuts and seeds may not sound exciting but they’re great source of healthy fat. Consider adding flaxseeds, chia seeds, almonds, or these delicious roasted, lightly salted soy nuts into your diet. 

Cook with High-Fat Oils 
One misconception is that oil is not part of a healthy diet. Think again! When used in moderation, options like coconut oil and olive oil (especially extra virgin olive oil or EVOO for short) are an easy way to incorporate healthy fats into your diet. However, you should refrain from using vegetable, canola, and sesame oil.  


What should I NOT DO on the Keto Diet? 

Not Eat Fat 
Ok, we know this is a double negative. So, let us explain. With the Keto diet, you actually must eat enough fatty foods in order for it to work. We recommend staying away from processed meals, especially in the freezer aisle, and opt for something healthier like avocado, fatty fish, nuts, and even bacon.   

Eat High-Sugar Fruit 
Everyone is under the impression that fruit is healthy, which it is. But for weight loss, high-sugar fruits – mangoes, grapes, cherries, and bananas – aren’t the best because of their increased carbohydrates. This is something you want to stay away from on the Keto Diet. As mentioned before, avocado is a great option because its high in healthy fats, but low in sugar (and yes, it is actually a fruit).  

Stop Eating Out 
One major reason we see the Keto Diet failing is people believe they must completely change their lifestyle. If you’re diet makes you unhappy, then it’s not the right one for you. Luckily, it’s not hard to make restaurant meals keto-friendly. Choose a meat or fish-based dish and replace any high-carb food, like French fries, with vegetables. Our favorite trick is swapping a burger bun for extra toppings like cheese, avocado, bacon, or eggs. Or, make it a burger wrap and substitute the bun for lettuce. 


Dieting isn’t always easy, but it shouldn’t be impossible. The key is finding the one that fits your day-to-day schedule the bestOur readers find the most successful ones don’t just help you lose weight, but teach you to maintain a healthier lifestyle, increase self-confidence, and improve your mental health. Is Keto the right diet for you? Be sure to follow our dos and don’ts and browse Nashua Nutrition’s wide selection of Keto friendly snacks to get started.  

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