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Armenian Food Flourishes in Los Angeles | No Passport Requir…

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Host Marcus Samuelsson arrives in sunny Los Angeles to meet with Armenians influencing the city’s food scene. The Southern …



  1. I watched the entire show and enjoyed it all, thank you.

    But Marcus, before (East) Hollywood and Glendale growth began in the early 1970's, there from the 1870's in Fresno and from the 1920's was Montebello, Pico Riviera and Whittier, they were the true little Armenias on the West coast in those days.

  2. My mom was Persian and from small town in the northwest corner of Iran pretty close to Armenia. Growing up in central Florida, there wasn't a lot of options for her to get the food she craved and was so good at making. No feta cheese, no real tea, no real bread. None of the herbs and spices she needed. The closest thing was an Armenian market on the other side of town (30 miles away). It was way out of the way, but Pop would tell me that he had orders from Mom to get her some stuff from that market. So many wonderful smells and flavors. I can close my eyes now, imagine that place and the memories, aromas and flavors all come rushing back.

  3. Many Armenians in teh USA lived in Southern California,but because California has become ,so expensive ;they have moved to Texas:Houston ,Dallas,Austin and San Antonio ; Charlotte and Florida:Miami,Fort Lauderdale, Orlando,Tampa ,Jacksonville .

  4. PBS and Mr Marcus S is a wonderful person that cares about the poor and the rich people are witnesses are the same we are now in over 239 countries so any countries you go to you will be loved by our people may my Great God Jehovah bless all of the staff of all of these restaurants I hope you come to my God Jehovah Mrs Loretta

  5. Marcus Samuelsson is such an amazing host! I'm Armenian and kind of a history nerd so I always felt so connected to Ethiopia and was thankful to Ethiopia for the help to Armenians in our history. It was so nice to see that connection with the host as well. Thank you for showing the Armenian community and our culture so beautifully.

  6. I'm glad for the references to Ethiopia to recognize Marcus' ethnic connection to the Armenians because Ethiopians and Armenians have a history of friendship and kinship with each other for centuries. Even today, many older generation Ethiopians will recognize Armenians as being their brothers and sisters because they were raised this way. The Armenian and Ethiopian Churches are the same branch of Christianity and Emperor Selassie is well known for his adoption of around 50 Armenian orphans whom he raised and educated as a response to the genocide.

  7. 6:22 Since when Georgia a brotherly country that is just as old as Armenia , has been taken away entirely on the map and Azerbaijan too. this is not historic Armenia but thievery and propaganda. Armenian claims over other people's lands is never going to bring peace in the region. Western Armenia in todays eastern turkey is historically Armenian, Greek, Assyrian.

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