Home Food & Nutrition 18 Delicious Cake Recipes to Make Every Day Feel Like Your Birthday

18 Delicious Cake Recipes to Make Every Day Feel Like Your Birthday

18 Delicious Cake Recipes to Make Every Day Feel Like Your Birthday
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Cake has always been my jam, ever since I was a kid watching a schoolmate pop adorable little cakes out of her Easy-Bake Oven. Alas, my mom refused to buy me one, insisting I crack open a Betty Crocker cookbook and learn how to use a real oven—thus setting me on the path to becoming a pastry chef. While I loved making fancy-pants creations at work, I almost always baked simple cakes at home.

Let’s face it, sometimes we just want cake, and these easy cake recipes provide ways to satisfy those cravings any time of the day or night. Many of them are one-pan deals—from streusel-topped skillet coffee cake with warm spices to Texas sheet cake with fudgy glaze and chewy, coconutty Filipino rice cake. We also have foolproof recipes for angel food and olive oil cakes that will appeal to beginners and pros alike. So, crank up those ovens and let us eat cake!

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