Home Food & Nutrition 14 Winter Salad Recipes That Brighten Up Cold Days with Fresh Ingredients

14 Winter Salad Recipes That Brighten Up Cold Days with Fresh Ingredients

14 Winter Salad Recipes That Brighten Up Cold Days with Fresh Ingredients
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In spring and summer, salads are an obvious meal—farmers markets overflow with fresh produce, and salads are a seasonally appropriate way to showcase the lettuces, tomatoes, and other vegetables that are in abundance. When the seasons change, the offerings at the local market change, too, but that doesn’t mean you have to forget about salads for the year.

Hearty cool-weather vegetables like kale and cabbage, fruits like pears and citrus, and grains like wild rice all let you make satisfying salads all through the fall and winter. We’ve rounded up 14 of our favorites, from a cabbage salad with roasted onions to a Caesar that trades romaine lettuce out for kale.

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