The recent outbreak of the devastating pandemic, commonly known as the Coronavirus, has many people rethinking their everyday habits. In addition to social distancing and more frequent hand washing, you may also want to consider giving your immune system a boost. While there’s a number of ways to do that like getting enough sleep and eating healthy, you can also take more vitamins.
We’ve compiled a list of the top ones that can help boost your immune system so your body can more easily do its job and fight off viruses. While none of this is a guarantee, especially with such a highly contagious virus, it’s important to do whatever you can to minimize your risk.
Vitamin C
First and foremost, vitamin C is the most common one linked to maintaining a healthy immune system. It’s found in a lot of foods (here’s where that healthy eating comes in) such as citrus fruits, bell peppers, and leafy green vegetables like spinach and kale. Since this vitamin is water soluble, it doesn’t hurt to add in a little extra to your daily intake with this 1000 mg tablet.
Zinc is a mineral that could minimize symptoms of the common cold. This mineral can be especially effective if you feel a cold coming on. While it can be found in a lot of lozenges, it’s also present in most multivitamins such as this one. Be cognizant of your intake and consult your doctor with questions.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps your body’s white blood cells and can minimize inflammation – all things that’ll improve your overall immune response. People who have low levels or are deficient in vitamin D are often more susceptible to upper respiratory infections such as influenza.1
Vitamin B6
Like vitamin C, B6 is another water soluble one and it aids in the chemical reactions needed for your immune system to operate properly. It’s naturally found in chicken, fish, and starchy vegetables so you may already be getting the adequate amount you need in your daily diet. It’s also found in most multivitamins so if you don’t take one already, that may be something to consider adding to your routine.
Not sure which vitamin or mineral to choose from? Check out this general immune support instead! Or, contact us with any questions and we can help guide you. As a family owned business, we are committed to providing high quality nutritional products and providing our customers the support and resources they need.
When we all do our part to stay healthy, we are also helping our neighbors and the larger community. Stay safe and we’ll get through this together!
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