Home Food & Nutrition My 2025 Word of the Year

My 2025 Word of the Year

My 2025 Word of the Year
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Every year, I pick a word to guide me, like a north star for the year ahead. Today I am sharing my 2025 word of the year along with the one Charles picked out too!

Selecting a ‘word of the year’ is an annual tradition I have grown to really love. Last year, it was “simplify”, and the year before that, “curiosity” (actually loved that one). These words help ground me, focus my energy, and give me a sense of purpose. This year Charles joined me in choosing a word: it’s a good one.

This year’s word for me? ROCKS! Now before you leave me, let me explain…

Have you heard the quote about the jar filled with rocks, pebbles, and sand? It’s a beautiful metaphor for life. If you start by filling your jar with the big rocks (your priorities) the pebbles and sand will naturally settle in around them where there is space. But if you fill it with sand first, there’s no space left for the rocks…

Guess what I did this year? I filled my jar with sand and pebbles, and it left me utterly exhausted with little to no room for the things that matter most including my health and time with my family. Not ok.

I’m a very visual person, so I actually purchased a pretty rock to put at my desk to serve as a daily reminder of my commitment to these few key priorities.

If I’m going to be truthful, I’ve worked too hard over the years. I LOVE what I do for work, but everything in life has a tradeoff. You can do anything, but you can’t do everything. Trust me, I’ve tried.

Somehow the years have started flying by. I feel like it was just yesterday that Charlie took his first steps and now he has a moustache and size 11 mens feet (insert mama tears). My dad has Alzheimer’s and it seems like I can never find decent chunks of quality time to spend with him and my sweet mom which blows my mind. I watched my sister-in-law fight breast cancer this year and it gave me a whole new appreciation for how precious life is (she kicked cancer’s butt for the record). And while I feel 30, this year my body didn’t agree and decided it was time for peri-menopause (what a wild ride).

I can’t turn back the hands of time, but I certainly can make better trades moving forward. And that is what this year is about for me.

Here’s the big takeaway: Life is short, so make space for what matters most.

Let that sink in my friends.

First, figure out what your rocks are. The people, passions, and priorities that truly bring you joy and fulfillment. Then, let the smaller stuff (the pebbles and sand) find their place around them!

The reality is, we only have a limited amount of time on this earth (just a couple billion seconds, give or take!). So let’s spend it wisely: invest in what’s important, let go of what’s not, and create a life without regrets.

Ask yourself: What are your rocks this year?

Need help? Here are some tips.

1. Reflect on What Brings You Joy

Think about the moments when you’ve felt the happiest or most fulfilled. What were you doing? Who were you with? These are often clues to your priorities and passions!

2. Identify Your Values

What values guide your decisions? Maybe it’s family, health or adventure. Once you clarify your core values, it’s easier to recognize what aligns with them.

3. Evaluate How You Spend Your Time

Your calendar will reflect your priorities. Take an honest look at your calendar. Are you dedicating time to the things that matter most, or is your schedule filled with obligations that don’t align with your priorities?

4. Declutter Your Life

Sometimes finding your rocks means clearing away the sand. Let go of commitments, tasks, or habits that don’t bring you closer to your goals or bring you joy. My advice? Reserve your decision making energy for the things that matter in life. Decision fatigue is a real thing – be mindful of your energy.

For me, a big one was the mental load surrounding mealtimes. What’s for dinner? Ugh. Good news, I can simplify it for you. Put dinners on autopilot using the Fraîche Table meal plan. It streamlines meal times with simple healthy recipes and automatic grocery lists—it’s a game changer!

5. Journal About It

Write down your thoughts about what matters most to you. Sometimes putting pen to paper helps uncover patterns or insights that aren’t immediately obvious. I love writing things down! There is nothing quite like it.

6. Have Honest Conversations

Talk to people you trust like your friends, family, or mentors. They can often see your strengths, passions, and priorities even more clearly than you can. I love looping in those closest to me on what my goals are also to help me stay on track.

7. Embrace Change

Your rocks might change over time, and that’s okay! Life is dynamic, and so are your priorities. You can revisit this process regularly to ensure you’re staying true to what matters most. I always say that I reserve the right to be wrong and I reserve the right to change my mind. You can too.

‘Quality’ is Charles’ word of the year, and I love it. He celebrated his 50th birthday this year, and while he has always had a deep appreciation for health and life (he lost both his parents to cancer in his 20’s which altered his perspective forever), this year has been a big pivot for him. Quality (vs quantity) in relationships, moments, purchases, and food (of course) among many will be the theme for him. It really resonates with me as someone who has had a habit of equating value with volume over the years.

Okay my friends! I am wishing you all the best as you uncover your own rocks. Have fun with the process and enjoy building a life that feels meaningful and joyful. You’ve got this.

Happy New Year and thanks for being here, I appreciate you. xx Tori

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