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How to Practice Gentle Nutrition in Intuitive Eating — Registered Dietitian Colu…

How to Practice Gentle Nutrition in Intuitive Eating — Registered Dietitian Colu…

Most intuitive eating counselors point out that gentle nutrition is the last principle, and that it’s something you should hold off on integrating until you’ve done some work healing your relationship with food. I think that’s probably good advice for most people, but personally, I feel that gentle nutrition can be integrated throughout one’s intuitive eating journey. When we’re not treating intuitive eating principles as a step-by-step process, there’s a lot of latitude to integrate them in an individualized way that meets people where they are at and addresses their most pressing concerns. For some people, learning to take a more gentle approach to nutrition actually serves as a good intro to intuitive eating!

That said, I don’t think jumping right into gentle nutrition is particularly helpful. Before trying to more intentionally engage with nutrition, I think it’s important to check in with yourself to see what your goals of doing so are. This helps foster awareness of if and how much diet mentality is playing a role, and also by identifying your goals, it helps you tailor your nutrition goals to your needs. For example, if your gentle nutrition goal is to help manage IBS symptoms, that might look different than if your gentle nutrition goal is something else.

If you feel like you’re ready to engage in gentle nutrition, but are not sure how to start, feel free to reach out to us for intuitive eating coaching. As dietitians who value the power of nutrition, AND the importance of having a healthy relationship with food, I love to help clients discover how gentle nutrition can play a role in their life. Read more about our practice philosophy here to see if we’re a good fit for your needs. We see clients virtually throughout the US, and in our Columbia, SC office.

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