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How Does Rent To Own Work? (Who Should Do It & Major Risks)

How Does Rent To Own Work? (Who Should Do It & Major Risks)

Rent-to-own combines renting with the option to purchase a home later, but this arrangement carries significant risks that many people overlook. While it offers a path to homeownership for those who need time to boost their credit score or save for a down payment, the reality often falls short of expectations.

The financial implications are substantial. 

Your monthly payments will be significantly higher than standard rent, making it even more challenging to save money. This premium cost extends beyond the rental period, exceeding what you would pay with a traditional 30-year mortgage term.

A major drawback is the locked-in purchase price established at the beginning of the agreement. If property values decline, you remain obligated to pay the original price, potentially leaving you with negative equity before officially becoming a homeowner. Additionally, your financial flexibility becomes severely limited during the rental period, as you cannot access any accumulated equity.

The arrangement offers fewer protections than both standard renting and traditional homeownership. If your financial situation changes or you discover issues with the property, backing out can result in substantial losses through forfeited fees and payments. 

In worst-case scenarios, sellers might refuse to complete the sale, leading to legal disputes that most rent-to-own candidates cannot afford to pursue.

Given these challenges, a more reliable approach is to focus on traditional renting while building credit and saving for your dream house, instead.

If you are feeling pressured into a rent-to-own situation because you think owning a house is the ultimate dream, you might want to read my article, Is Renting a Waste of Money?. The short version is that renting is not a waste of money for everyone, sometimes it’s the best choice for your financial needs.

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