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Craig School hosts economic development certificate program
The University Business Center at the Craig School of Business will host the 15th annual Introduction to Economic Development Certificate Program training from 8 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. Oct. 21-24 at the University Business Center, in partnership with the Sacramento-based California Association for Local Economic Development.
In the largest enrollment in the history of the program, 89 economic developers from more than 70 California cities and economic development organizations will attend the training. In the past 14 years, the program has trained nearly 650 economic developers, to the benefit of communities throughout California.
The certificate program is an introductory course in the basics of local economic development, covering topics such as marketing one’s community, developing an economic development strategy, financing techniques and entrepreneurship strategies.
The curriculum is taught by industry experts in topics such as workforce development, business retention and expansion, economic impact analysis and ethics.
Successful participants will qualify to join the advanced level training that the UBC will host next year, which leads toward obtaining certification as an Accredited California Economic Developer.
The University Business Center hosts trainings and workshops throughout the year to advance the Craig School’s mission to support sustainable, inclusive economic development in Central California and beyond. INFO: Dr. Shailesh Rana, director of the University Business Center, at
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