Home Cooking and Nutrition ARMENIAN vs. INDIAN Potatoes! | Pan Pals 🍳

ARMENIAN vs. INDIAN Potatoes! | Pan Pals 🍳

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  1. In Bengal, there are lots of other great potato dishes as well:

    Aloo Kabli
    Aloo Morich
    Aloor Dom
    Jhuri Aloo Bhaja [Great combo with steamed Rice, thick Moong Dal, and a squeeze of Gondhoraj Lebu (a type of Extra-Fragrant Lime available in Bengal.)
    Dim-Aloo Bhaate

  2. OMG, I am so happy to see Indian Bengali food getting worldwide attention like this!! Aloo Posto is an emotion for us Bengalis. Thanks Brishti for bringing this recipe to the world. Also, Beryl, loving this new show, my favorite potato dish is aloor dum😊😊

  3. Ooh, great choices! I haven't had aloo poshto in years! But I'm definitely making the sini patatas sometime soon. It's like a meat-and-potatoes lasagna!

  4. Favourite potato dish . . . hmmm . . . as a Brit it's difficult to pin it down, so . . . try leek and potato soup, cheese and potato pie but best of all chips from the chippy with curry sauce or everyone's favourite . . . an iconic chip butty, tom ketchup optional.

  5. 😂 bengali wokness me apna state kho chuke hai …abb do Kodi ki izzat nahi inki ..jo apne culture apne dharam ka nahi iski kon ki izzat kare ..beef Khao or 😂jaise apne state ko khaya

  6. Black Poppy seeds?!!? I never heard of it before but You missed the taste guys try the white poppy seed paste and the trick is soak the seeds for 20 minutes in luke warm water add a bit of salt and a green chilli, then grind it into smooth paste, it's ready to be used,by the way while frying potatoes you can add small portion of chopped onions once the potatoes as well as the onions are fried add the paste, a little water, boil simmer and reduce the gravy based on your preference that's it😊

  7. The Sini Patates recipe was a dud for me. If I make this again I’d chop the onion that are part of the layer and caramelize them. I sautéed the onion in the ground beef mixture. And glad I did. I’d have also cooked the sliced potatoes in milk until tender. Then drain and layer on top. I’ll try the other potato recipe. I’ve made a similar dish minus the poppy seeds.

  8. Incidentally, there is a long history of Armenians settling in India, and most of them in Calcutta, the capital of Bengal whence the Bengalis originate. Many Armenian churches are still in use there. It makes this a curious pairing.

  9. Next time when you are suggesting pls avoid using meat or beef in you're episode as we Indian especially Hindus we do not eat these items so involving Hindus in cooking avoid it it's personal but kindly treat it as a suggestion and not a nasty remark thank you very much

  10. So pairing of both cultures make sense where both have a continuous history of Islamic persecution and people historically needed cheaper sources of nutrition to survive jiziya and other atrocities

  11. As much as I want to love this video intermixing different cultures, But as a hindu myself seeing another hindu eating beef disgusted me. Plz youtube plz don't recommend me these types of videos.

  12. Potatoes with P from Perú. Thanks to the Peruvians indigenous peoples for domesticating this amazing vegetable. 🇵🇪 Did you know potatoes were toxic?

  13. I'm a Bengali, and it's truly almost impossible to imagine a full Bengali meal without potatoes. And to think that potatoes aren't even indigenous to India. I don't really know when this Indian love affair with potatoes started, but now they are ubiquitous. Oh! and btw, aloo posto is a personal favorite.

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