Home Culture History History of Lithuania

History of Lithuania

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The history of Lithuania dates back to settlements founded many thousands of years ago, but the first written record of the name …



  1. Great and Amazing to know more history of LITHUANIA. 🇱🇹🇱🇹🇱🇹 💖💝💖 THANK YOU ..🙏 The first time I visited Lithuania in June 2023 – Only short time 2 days so I have to say that I ove Lithuania – people is really helpful even some elder could not speak in English. They tried to explain how to find POST OFFICE in Vilnius… I was in TRAKAI too. So I will visit Lithuania and explore more 3 – 5 May 2024. Then on 25 – 27 May 2024 will guide some thai friends from Bangkok to see Wonderful Lithuania… that it will be the first time for them.
     Best Wishes from STOCKHOLM – SWEDEN 🎁 ⛄ 🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺

  2. This is not a documentary it is an audio book it creates confusion when you have 4 images shift for 2 hours who do not fit the periods show 19 century men in suits in 4 B.C. It is good I have a book to learn more about this part of Europe….

  3. Kingdom of Rus contained the lands of present day Ukraine and Belarus (Rhuthenia) with slavic populations. These were later incorporated into an new found lithuanian state after it's collapse by marriage or sword. Lithuanians were still pagans fighting crusaders from the Holy Roman Empire who were trying to convert them to christianity. The battles are well documented in Livonian chronicles and happened in lithuanian and samogitian lands which are now part of modern day Belarus and Lithuania.The names of the first rulers of Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Rus (Rhuthenia) and Samogitia are of Baltic origin. Of course as pagans lithuanian tribes didn't use writing so as a new state with time it has adopted the church slavonic (Ruthenian) language which were understood in the majority of the duchy. It was a multicultural, multireligious, multilingual state. Belarus is not Lithuania

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