Home Culture History History of slavery

History of slavery


The history of slavery spans many cultures, nationalities, and religions from ancient times to the present day. However, the social …



  1. God said HE set up and He take down both Royalty Emperors, Kings, Kingdoms etc and Governments. God said HIS fallen son Lucifer Satan the 👿 devil can temporarily rule over the earthly kingdoms and governments. Because he cannot rule in heaven. Historical facts in history. Ninety years after the great black death plague of Europe. The Popes of the Church in Rome. Has used it's power to ingaged in all kinds of ungodliness, unchristlikeness and unholiness. The true years of the World African Slavery and Trade are 540 years from 1441 A.D. to 1981 A.D.
    In the year 1441 two Portuguese criminals went to the coast of Mauritania in Africa. They abducted, kidnapped and stole some Africans. They returned back to Portugal and gave them to the Prince as a gift. Then Pope Nicholas the Fifth puts his two cents in it. He gives the Europeans the authority, power and right to go to Africa and abduct, kidnapped, steal and enslave Africans. It went on until
    last country in the world outlawed and abolished it Mauritania in 1981.

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