Home Food & Nutrition Tasty Gifts That Give Back

Tasty Gifts That Give Back

Tasty Gifts That Give Back
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Lesley Suter/Jordan Moss

Even out your commerce karma this Giving Tuesday with charitable gifts that pull double duty for your kitchen and the world

Sometimes there’s no getting over the feeling that, no matter how thoughtful you are, the drive to give gifts is only contributing to the amount of Stuff in the world. Stuff that will eventually get thrown in a landfill or whose sale will ultimately end up bettering the lives of the corporate executives whose company produced it. There may be no getting around the landfill part, but ideally, there are some gifts that do double duty by offering a contribution to organizations that make life better for more than just the recipient.

As always, contributions to things like your local food pantry in someone else’s name are a wonderful way to spread the love. But if you’d like a physical object to go with your goodwill, here are a few food-related ways to give.

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