Home Culture History History of the Kurds

History of the Kurds

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The Kurds , are an Iranian ethnic group in the Middle East. They have historically inhabited the mountainous areas to the south of …



  1. Noah were Kurd Kurdistan were the Cradle of Civilization I don’t care about Historians what they say if they Denied Kurd it That mean you Denied Noah and Mankind Without Kurd is mean 50 without 5 🤔.

  2. Guys we are Iranians, but here we do not mean modern Iran. Rather, we were the masters of Greater Aria, and the Persians named their country Iran in order to attribute all of our great history to them, This is one of the most cunning plans against us

  3. Can you please provide your source for this video? Because from the beginning, there is misinformation. As a running YouTube channel, you have to tell the truth. Additionally, you should go search and find a reliable source to discuss the history of another nationality.

  4. Iranian ethnic group killed me 💀 iranians and kurds come from one people we split up but it was not iranians we were median empire kurds are one of the oldest people with dna of the people who lived in the same mountains they still live in

  5. İran dediğimiz bölge Afganistandır! Tarihe baktığımızda İran diye bir coğrafya asla olmamıştır. En eski tarihi kaynaklardan bu yana hep sırasıyla Kürt isminin gonotipleri ile anılmıştır bu coğrafya. Ör. Gutium- Korduena- Media – vs. Halkı ise her zaman Kürt halkı olmuştur. Hindistan’dan gelip kendine Ari diyen Fars veya Afganlar ile veya Orta Asya Türkleri ile bir alakamız asla yoktur. Dil benzerliğimiz ise onlar bizim bölgemize gelip zengin dil ve kültürümüzden yararlanmalarından kaynaklanıyor. Bu sıralamayı Yunan tarihçi Strabon ve Ksenefondan öğrenmenizi tavsiye ederim. Nitekim Strabon Şöyle der : Persler Med imparatorluğunu iç güveysilik sayesinde yıktıktan sonra onların tüm dil kültür ve sanatlarını sahiplendiler. Hatta öyle ki Med klanlarının güzel iri yapılı ve kuvvetli fizik yapısının kendi soylarına da sirayet etmesi için onlardan damızlık erkekler aldılar…

  6. Welatıme kurda çar parçe kırne hevdu par vekırne evya şerma dünyayıye şerma yekbuna gelı dünyayıye dirokame dıgije sümera iro em çı halıda mane aliki pers aliki gırk aliki ereb zulmı me dıkın bı zorı me asimile dıkın zımanıme xandına zımanı dayikı qedexe dıkın wexta em heqı xewe dıxazın yan me dıkuwjın yan darda dıkın yanji davıjne zındanada mıxabın dünya bı deng dımine evya şerma dúnyayıye.em kurd demokrasine lı feqet orta duğuyıda demokrasi tuneye her çar alyıme ırkçi faşist bı demokrasiyı durın.bı heqi insanada dünya bıra bı deng nemine.

  7. Turkey iran irak everyday send a update to they history and kurds history our DNA is not iranian it's near Eurup hidu but it didn't prove still kurds and iranian it diffrent in everyway language culture even history didn't make them with each other kurds was kurd i think we didn't come in anywhere always iranian was kurds enemy it didn't change anythink

  8. Kurds and Kurdistan are ancient people even called Medians! The name IRAN was invented and created by english colonial power, as fake countries like Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey! All these terrorstates have been up to no good since the creation!

  9. Just the first few minutes of this video shows lack of knowelde and shallow of resarch on kurds. Do your resach properly before exploring on identification on a Kurd origin.

  10. Lol Kurd Sumer ahhahahahahahahhahahhahahaahah not in any lifetime of man and dog has foreign central Asian been mentioned by Sumerians yahahahgagaggaagaggafa

  11. I think the persian-like groups, like Kurds, were slaves brought to the Persia by Sassanis and others. I suppose they had some kind of cast system, similar to Hindus, Greeks and Romans. For sustainable agriculture slave labor was essential, as the they were the most vulnerable to all sort of diseases. There was never a unified Kurdish group in history. Arabs
    did not know them.

  12. you are mistaking about Kurdish. Because There was no Iran until 150 years ago. The ancient Iran in records in early holy book of Jewish and Romanians was a west of Afghanistan. There is no any relation between Kurdish and Iran. The Kurd is a new generation of Sumerian as recent linguistic study the Kurdish language still is exactly Sumerian language in words and grammars for example the word Namrud " Ancient king that burned Abraham" who claimed that he is immortal has meaning Kurdish language the exact meaning of his claim Namrud , no murder immortal, The word Galgamsh ( Legend of Galgamsh" in Kurdish means The big cow head which is the exact name of the creature of the legend, Zegorat " Temple of Sumerian " means session change , Gry " Cry" in Kurdish is Gry exactly , Dog in Sumerian is Sa and in Kurdish Sa. Shien in Sumerian in Kurdish Shien " one state of moon" , Daw in Sumerian means in Kurdish Daw In English Justice, Anan noki means In Kurdish Asman noki " Small creature from the sky", Bapirg In Sumerian means in Kurdish Bapir " Grandfather" …..etc , So Kurdish people are no Iranian no Arab no Turk. They tried to anahilate Kurdish with the fake history that Kurdish is Iranian no absolutely. The modern Persian language is man made by some people after Islam by 300 years, and they lost their language, they made a new language by mixing Kurdish grammar and 27% Kurdish words with the 66% Arabic words. Please don't hide the true behind fake History

  13. Just pay attentions she has been down to the kurds ( assyrians , Turks , armics and kurds) she wants you get weapon on your hands and go to the war ? what about Kurds in Gorgia ….!!! Just speak your language and practice what ever your believe is and get along because we all have same mixtures !!

  14. She keep mentioning armenians being massacred by ottomans ……!! why in the world Ottoman would got out and kill his own Christian country man !!??? I tell you why ! Ottoman empire was in war in Europe and entire Ottoman army was in Europe . Russia armed the ar-menians rebals and send to kill Turks Villagers and small cities in minor Asia . when army returned back they want to go visit their family but they were no family because ar-menians had done them ..
    Turks chased the Armenians out of their country to the occupy Azarbaijan by Russians . ottoman Took over part of azerbaijan and western azarbaijan became new armenian established by killing 50,000 Azarbaijanis and 1,5 of them moving to east ward …

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