Home Community news Officers Identify Man Shot, Killed By Police After Chase

Officers Identify Man Shot, Killed By Police After Chase

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Officers identified a 30-year-old Whittier man Tuesday who was fatally shot by police after allegedly leading law enforcement on a …



  1. No he must have been either African American Or Hispanic because Caucasian is don't get shot they walk them in handcuffs and ask him a question like what were you thinking why they feeding him a burger from Burger King

  2. Here they go again just shooting someone instead of getting his plates and arresting him on a later date..the cops must have a shot to kill order out now..did they really have to follow him and shot him over a traffic stop. Some Cop's are just outta control need to be fired..no wonder why the guy ran away he knew u guys were gonna shoot him to death as a target practice..you guys will get your too trust me..god see all that u guys do and he's wanting for the day. For all you cop killers.

  3. dude why in the f*** are those stupid cops letting that dog attack the guy while he's on the f**** ground.. what the f*** is wrong with those guys whoever let the dog loose should be fired and the dog should be put in a kennel the guys shot and already down what the f***🤬💩 now this is the kind of shit that is completely unnecessary and excessive. Doesn't help the cause..😐

  4. Do cops get full auto rifles? They banned full auto cos if you can't shoot faster than you wanna shoot more accurate, so you buy all these accessories like sights and stocks and whatever other rubbish they'll sell you. The firearm industry is a 60 billion dollar a year industry and the government knows it. You'd be surprised to find out who are members of the NRA.

  5. If police did not say he was armed there is a good chance this is a nother murder by cops. 3 people are killed every day by police according to thier statistics 1000 people per year but they dont keep track because if they did the numbers would expose how bad our policing is since they dont count at all in those statistics if the cop is retired off duty, fired or undercover the real number is more than 3000 people every year. Thats worse than any well known criminal street gang or biker club. If the crips, bloods or BGD murdered 1000 civilians in a year they would all be rounded up and imprisoned. To bad criminal street gangs are less of a threat than cops

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